主页 文章列表 欣赏过这么些暗黑女神后,今儿带你们看看暗黑界女神背后的东家们!


白鹭 - 2022-07-04 2083 0 2

欣赏过这么些AV女神后,今儿带你们看看暗黑界女神背后的东家们!看过之前文章的朋友应该知道,现在暗黑界的龙头老大就是【北都集团】而北都旗下最强的厂商就是【S1】财大气粗,旗下女神如天上繁星一般数都数不过来。但是如果说到北都旗下的第二大厂商,那答案就很不一样了。Hello, this is Xiao API, now it's time to share English learning again!After seeing so many of these AV goddesses, let's take a look at the masters behind the Dark Goddesses!  Those of you who have read the previous article should know that beidu Group is now the leader in the dark world, and S1 is the strongest manufacturer under BEidu. It is rich and its goddesses are as numerous as the stars in the sky.  But when it comes to beidu's second largest manufacturer, the answer is very different. )



毕竟他们旗下的厂商那么多,像是:PREMIUM、MOODYZ、ATTACKERS、溜池等等,每一间厂商都有自己的优势,很难说谁优谁劣。但我个人认为北都旗下的第二把交椅就是【IdeaPocket】(There are now so many manufacturers of PREMIUM, MOODYZ, Instruction Instruction, and so on, each with their own advantages it's hard to tell which one is superior.  But PERSONALLY, I think the second most important position under Beidu is IdeaPocket. )



不说大家可能不知道,其实IP社最早的时候只是隶属于ATTACKERS旗下的部门,有别于ATTACKERS一贯硬核的题材,IP社当时的内容更加大众化,主打角色扮演各种职业女性,一部作品下来女神通常会换不同的服装来突出该职业的特点。这让广大观众一下子就被IP社吸引住了,也奠定了IP社之后的风格走向。(Unknown to all, IP Instruction was originally part of Instruction under Instruction of Instruction, different from the usual hard core of Instruction. IP is now now available for instruction in more general fashion, taking on the role of women of various professions, with different garments to highlight their profession.  All of a sudden, the vast audience was attracted by THE IP agency, and also laid the style of the IP agency. )



由于IP社表现十分优异,从2002年开始,他们脱离ATTACKERS,成为北都集团底下的独立片商,虽说是独立片商,但他们的一切运作还是要依靠ATTACKERS,甚至连女神都要那边提供,可以说是有名无实的存在。(Due to IP's great performance, since 2002 they now take Instruction in Self Instruction under Beidu Group. Although they are now independent of Instruction, their operations are now dependent on Instruction from North Instruction, with even Godmother now providing instruction in Name. )



直到2004年,IP社才拥有了自己的第一个专属女神(It wasn't until 2004 that THE IP Society got its first exclusive goddess)





而IP社的拍摄手法和题材都很好的切中了观众们的G点,很多时候大家看完他么公司的作品感受就是:没错,这就是我想看的东西。(The SHOOTING techniques and themes of THE IP agency are well cut to the audience's G spot, many times we feel after watching his company's works: yes, this is what I want to see. )



- -E N D- -


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